
Showing posts from May, 2020

Happiness and Guilt That's My Life in Isolation

My Studio Photo by Yianni Johns. Covid 19 isolation is fantastic for me. No, I’m not happy people are dying in hospitals and in their loungerooms and the streets. In most cases they are alone, away from their families, that is sad. But for me as an Artist and Writer this virus induced isolation opens the door to great contemplative time and also leaves me with time to paint and write. Usually I have to top up my creative life by working three to four days a week as an aerospace engineer out here in the Riverina. That money helps pay for the everyday stuff, food, utilities, petrol, art supplies and champagne. No Corona for me in this period. Although over summer I am sure I contributed to that beer manufacturers wealth pretty well. I lost my engineering gig over a month ago. I am lucky I have a debt free mortgage free life. That is why I moved from the bustling city to the relative solitude of the Riverina district to a village called Ardlethan. Population of probably two