
Showing posts from September, 2019
No More Thumbs in the air for Me! image found on the internet In My Opinion; You know there is a picture running around the internet that shows Pratt, Trump and Morrison, all thumbs upping the camera. The good old symbol of the thumbs up, everything is okay. She’ll be right mate. Safe to go. The thumbs up symbol in Aviation means all safe to go. But under the watch of Morrison, Trump et al the symbol to me is reaching new lows and broadcasting how unsafe our reality really is under the watch of these aspirational dictators. dreamtime stock image The fist clenched with the thumb pointing up is no more a safety symbol nowadays than a sign warning of toxic waste, or nuclear leaks. These blokes of dubious past Trump and his alleged dodgy businesses, Morrison and his alleged indiscretions in the Tourism job, all hidden from public perusal because they must want to hide something, otherwise why wouldn’t they release information that will stop people like me thinking th