
Showing posts from April, 2020

Why Say Art Is Good When It Isn't

Why Say Art Is Good When IT Isn't. Have you ever been asked to judge art or even vote on a selection of art? I recently was asked to judge from a line up of 17 paintings from a world leading city in art. No matter how hard I looked or how generous my art filter, I could not find one painting there worthy of a second look. Contrived, overtly influenced i.e. seen it all before and just plain awful and unfinished half baked ideas that is all I could see. If this is what is emerging from a world centre of art it is  very sad. The people involved didn't like my responses even though they invited me to pick and judge. It's wrong to say that art is good when it isn't. Why? Because it stifles the poor developing artists. If they are told everything they do is great they are not going to strive to get better. They fall for their own publicity and then the art falls from good. So brown so grey so mud that is all I can say about the latest batch of unfortunate works.  In f