
Showing posts from August, 2018

Another day Another Politician.

God you know, I really didn’t want to spoil this blog with inane prattle regarding the current state of affairs in Australian Politics. There you go I have. Life online is nothing more than posturing fools all in for their cut. All back stabbing, all pushing, pulling, insulting and taking their moves from that great TV show the Sopranos. He doesn’t work out, we’ll rub him out. The one true and constant in conservative politics is that they all lie. And that they are loyal to nobody except themselves. A few months back Abbott got rolled, like a spoilt brat who’s toys had to be shared, he sat on the backbench shooting metaphoric spit balls at all and sundry, because he was arsed. Well deserved I must say. Giving a prince a medal, getting your daughter free tuition at a design school. Promoting coal as the clean power alternative, wrecking Medicare, destroying schools and TAFE, all under the mantra of jobs and growth. My daughter had her pay cut for not only working weekends, but work